The Pat & Aaron Show begins with a discussion about the Tampa Bay Rays win over the Washington Nationals, and that they fought through adversity to get the win. Pat explains how exciting it has been to watch the team play and that he wants them to be on TV every day! Then the guys talked about the Tampa Bay Lightning's loss to the New York Rangers, and that they just didn't look like their best version of themselves. Aaron goes on to break down the 2023 Masters at Augusta National, and Pat of course, makes it about food. Then the hour ends with Today's Top Headlines.
The 7:00 AM hour begins with a discussion about what impact the pitch clock has been on Major League Baseball, and that a lot of people are back to watching the sport! Aaron explains how tough of a loss it was last night for the Tampa Bay Lightning, and that this felt like a playoff game. Then Pat talks about how he has been impressed by the attendance, and that he expects there to be a dip at Easter. The Godfather Of Sports Talk Radio Jeff Smulyan calls The Pat & Aaron Show to talk about his long career. He first begins by saying that he wasn't viewed as a genius until WFAN began to work, and that's how all his ventures have been in his life. Pat asks him about hiring David Letterman for radio, and he explains that he was the nicest guy to work with. Then Jeff explains how adding Don Imus and Mike & The Mad Dog helped grow the brand, and now there are over 700 sports radio stations. He promotes "Never Ride a Rollercoaster Upside Down: The Ups, Downs, and Reinvention of an Entrepreneur Kindle Edition" which can be found on Amazon!
The 8:00 AM hour begins with the one and only Steve Carney calls into the show with the new segment "Pitch Clock Talk." The first one is "_____ Could have a better season than Shane McClanahan" and he explains that he will be the best! The other topics include the team reaching 100 wins, Jeffrey Springs, and Wander Franco. Then Pat asks him if he is good at answering questions since he runs the pitch clock at the games! Then he answers a question about Kevin Cash and the buzzer goes off! He says the biggest issue with Josh Fleming is that he can be very aggressive and that he needs to work on that. Then the hour ends with The Blender!