Video footage from an Antonio Brown incident at a pool in Dubai back on May 14th has gone viral. In the video, Brown is seen too close to comfort for one hotel guest at the Armani Hotel Dubai. During the close encounter, Brown is seen flashing his butt cheeks in the face of one pool guest. Also, in the video, Antonio appears to try and tie a scarf around her head. Witnesses say he got the scarf from another hotel guest at the pool. After being picked up and tossed into the water by Antonio, the female hotel guest, made her way to the other side of the pool. At that moment, Brown leaned up along the edge of the pool, grabbed his penis, and flashed it in the swimmer's direction, who was on the other side of the pool. WATCH:
According to The Post, a pair of eyewitnesses said that Brown flaunted his private parts several times after the video recording ended and rudely asked the woman: “You want it?” Antonio was eventually asked to leave the hotel.
AB took to Twitter following the story/videos going viral:
Aaron Jacobson weighs in:
Pat Donovan weighs in:
AB also posted an old photo of him and Tom Brady's wife, Gisele, to Instagram on Sunday