Super Bowl or $900M? What Could Have Been for Former QB John Elway

John Elway's athletic talent pretty much set him and his family up for the rest of his life, and perhaps into the next generation.

But he could have been REALLY SET had he accepted then-Broncos' owner Pat Bowlen's offer in 1998 to own a 10 percent stake in the team, at the cost of the remaining three years of his contract, which was a total of $21 million at the time. Bowlen also offered Elway an additional 10 percent of the Broncos for $15 million, per Darren Rovell.

With the pending purchase of the Broncos to members of the Walton family (of Walmart fame), had Elway followed through on those offers, that $36 million investment could have made him somewhere in the neighborhood of $900 million, Rovell reported.

Well, Elway did lead the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl 33 following the 1998 season, his last, so at least there's that.

Now that we have hindsight, would you want $900 million, or a ring?

Cover Photo: Getty Images

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