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On Friday, Ian Beckles chatted with his long time friend, Kendrix Jones (KJ), a perfectly healthy 40-year-old man, who one day, was just not feeling right. There were some stomach issues, and he thought he might have had the flu, feeling fatigue and nauseousness.
He was given medication for his symptoms, and upon taking them, his condition worsened.
After a visit to his primary care physician, KJ had a CT scan, which revealed a mass about the size of a baseball on his colon.
KJ goes more into detail in Friday's interview with Ian, which you can hear below.
His message to everyone: "Listen to your bodies. You don't need to be tough all the time"
A GoFundMe has been started for KJ, who mentioned to Ian that someone at his age is not covered for colonoscopies by most insurance carriers, and that more and more people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at younger ages; some carriers only cover them for men starting at the age of 45. Because of the suddenness of the events, the multiple procedures he has undergone, and the severity of his illness, his medical costs have shot up rather quickly.
Please donate if you can. Every little bit helps.
And listen to your bodies. It's better to have discovered something earlier as opposed to later.
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Photos: Kendrix Jones
Kendrix Jones after surgery