Wednesday on Halftime Heat, Ian Beckles heaps some praise on the Kansas City Chiefs, while Jay Recher talks about #BellLetsTalk and the effects of mental health on all of us.
What a difference half a season makes. The Kansas City Chiefs went from a pitiful, listless team mid-season back into a juggernaut toward the back end of the season.
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Today is a very important day. Not just in the hockey community but all throughout North America and the world.
If you’re on social media today, you’re probably going to see the hashtag, #BellLetsTalk.
Well, Bell Let's Talk is an awareness campaign created by the Canadian telecommunications company, Bell Canada, in an effort to raise awareness and combat the stigma surrounding mental illness in Canada. It is notably the single largest corporate commitment to mental health in Canada.
With that being said, this isn’t a day to just spread that awareness north of the border, but here in the states as well.
Mental health is such a big topic here in the sports world yeah, but also in everyday life.
I’m speaking to you out there. You having a bad day, a bad week, month or year? Please don’t forget that you are not alone.
There are others that feel that same pain and more importantly, there are things that can help.
Don’t be ashamed to reach out to someone, anyone to let them know what’s going on between your ears.
I want to give out a couple of numbers here today in case you need someone to talk to.
The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, just go to or call 813-964-1964
Also, another website is, or call 888-727-5945.
You can go to and if you ask your boss at work, you may have an Employee Assistance Program if you need help.
On behalf of Ian, we thank you for listening to our show and don’t forget that you are not alone. Go get help. Talk to somebody, anybody. And if you know someone that may be struggling, don’t be afraid to make the call or visit the website yourself.
Being proactive could save someone’s life.
Cover Photo: Getty Images